Archive for Recipes

21 Day Sugar Detox Cooking Demo and Tasting April 12, 2015


21 Day Sugar Detox Cooking Demo and Tasting April 12, 2015  


Certified Nutrition Consultant and Certified 21 Day Sugar Detox Coach, Jackie Chatman, will be demonstrating simple, healthy and delicious dishes as she explores the 21 Day Sugar Detox philosophy. 

The theme of this class is Gluten Free Italian and the menu will include a soup, salad, main dish and dessert created from local ingredients sourced from the Certified Farmers’ Market the morning of the class. This class is great for those who are interested in learning practical ways to make healthy lifestyle changes or to address specific health concerns. 

All dishes will be gluten free and 21 day sugar detox level one approved. There will be vegetarian options. 

Cost of class is $25 per person or 2 for $40; this will include take home samples of the spices used and easy to follow recipes for each dish. 

Payment can be made via PayPal; by contacting me at 213-822-2634 or by contacting Savory Spice Shop Palm Desert

Payment can be made in cash at the door but you must RSVP to save your spot. Space is limited to the first 15 paid.

Soup: MinestroneSalad: Antipasto with Italian or Ranch Dressing 

Entree:  Italian marinara sauce with meatballs over zucchini noodles, green beans with garlic and rice pilaf

Dessert: Apple crumble with cardamom coconut cream

April 12th Cooking Demo

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Eating for Wellness Cooking Demo and Tasting 

Certified Nutrition Consultant, Jackie Chatman, will be demonstrating simple, healthy and delicious dishes as she explores the Eating for Wellness philosophy. The menu will include a soup, salad, main dish and dessert created from local ingredients sourced from the Certified Farmers’ Market the morning of the class. This class is great for those who are interested in learning practical ways to make healthy lifestyle changes or to address specific health concerns. 

All dishes will be gluten, grain and dairy free. There will be vegetarian options. 

Cost of class is $25 per person or 2 for $40; this will include take home samples of the spices used and easy to follow recipes for each dish. 

Payment can be made via PayPal; by contacting me at 213-822-2634 or by contacting Savory Spice Shop Palm Desert

Payment can be made in cash at the door but you must RSVP to save your spot. Space is limited to the first 15 paid.

Soup: Curried Sweet Potato and Almond Soup with chorizo, cilantro and lime garnish.

Bread: Rosemary & Onion Coconut 

Salad: Apple, Cucumber and Fennel

Entree: Eggplant and Zucchini Lasagne

Dessert: Apple Spice Coffee Cake

March 8th Cooking Demo

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Eating for Wellness Homemade Mayonnaise

Hello and thank you for your interest in The Eating for Wellness Homemade Mayonnaise recipe.


When I first started making lifestyle changes in 2007, condiments, like mayonnaise, catsup and salad dressings were the hardest things to give up. Since this recipe is made with higher quality ingredients of your choice, you can enjoy it without worry or guilt. Continue reading “Eating for Wellness Homemade Mayonnaise” »

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Zucchini Salad with Smoked Mozzarella Cheese


Zucchini Salad with Smoked Mozzarella Cheese
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Prep Time
10 min
Prep Time
10 min
  1. Zucchini noodles
  2. Red pepper julienned
  3. Yellow pepper julienned
  4. Crimini Mushrooms
  5. Cherry tomatoes
  6. Onion, shallot or scallion
  7. Garlic
  8. Jarred red pepper and artichoke tapenade
  9. Balsamic vinegar
  10. Olive oil
  11. Capers
  12. Basil
  13. Sea salt
  14. Pepper
  1. Mix all ingredients and chill for a least 2 hours.
  1. This is a great last minute potluck or picnic addition.
Eating For Wellness



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Chocolate Chip Banana Nut Mini Muffins (gluten, dairy and soy free)



These super moist mini muffins were a big hit at the Palm Springs Eating and Living Groups 2nd Annual Garden Party. Being new to the Palms Springs area, this was a perfect opportunity to introduce myself and the Eating For Wellness gluten free philosophy to the Foodie community. Continue reading “Chocolate Chip Banana Nut Mini Muffins (gluten, dairy and soy free)” »

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