Mission Statement

Small changes made consistently over time produce big results.

At Eating for Wellness our goal is to teach, guide and support those seeking a healthy lifestyle. Our focus is on whole foods, mindful living, and a sense of community – all of which help us to live better, healthier, and happier lives.​​

Our society is sick and getting sicker!

Among U.S. residents ages 65 years and older10.9 million, or 26.9 percent, had diabetes in 2010.

About 215,000 people younger than 20 years had diabetes—type 1 or type 2—in the United States in 2010.

Autoimmunity is the underlying cause of more than 100 serious chronic illnesses. It targets women 75 percent of the time.

Recent studies and advances in diagnosis show that at least 3 million Americans, or about 1 in 133 people have celiac disease, but only 1 in 4,700 is ever diagnosed.

It’s time to get back to what’s real. Not everything at the grocery store is good for you.

We believe in only using REAL (whole, unprocessed, local and seasonal) food in a variety of ways to help obtain, maintain and sustain health and longevity while avoiding the diseases of modern civilization (diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc.).

At Eating for Wellness you will learn how to choose and prepare whole foods in a way that becomes a natural part of life. This knowledge will add to the happiness and health of your family, your friends and yourself.

Our focus is on whole foods, mindful living, and a sense of community – all of which help us to live better, healthier, and happier lives.​​

We know how difficult change can be which is why we support you throughout your entire journey.​​

We know that we must nurture and care for ourselves first so we can care for those around us.

We believe that we must give up trying to be perfect and accept that it’s okay to be ourselves​.

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